• Where can I register for the race

        Online here or via www.championchip.co.za through the secure electronic payment system on the registration platform using your credit or debit card. 
        You can also register at the below locations and pay cash:

      • What if I don’t know what plan I need?

        Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.
      • What payment options do you provide for clients?

        Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.
      • Do you have a money back guarantee?

        Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.
      • How can I change my plan?

        Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.
      • Can I get video consultation with your specialist?

        Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.


      On this page, you will find answers to the most popular questions of our runners. Didn’t find what you need? Just send us a request.

      • Where can I register for the race?

        Online at www.omdiedamultra.co.za or www.championchip.co.za sowetomarathon.com through the secure electronic payment system on the registration platform using your credit or debit card. You can also register at the below locations and pay cash:

      • How much does it cost to enter

        R100 for the 10KmR50 for the 5Km
        There is an online entry fee of R8 + 5.5% payable on your entry.

      • Can I enter by Fax or Email and deposit the Entry Free into a Bank Account?

        No - only online entries are accepted and payment via Mastercard, Visa cards or cash payment entries at the stores listed above.

      • I did not complete my Online Registration, and when I try again it says I have already entered? What do I do?

        Shut down your internet browser completely and start again at www.championchip.co.za

      • When does registration close?

        Closing date for registrations is Midnight 31st July 2019 or once each distance has reached its capacity (whichever comes first)

      • Where can I collect my race pack?

        Race pack collection takes place from 

      • What must I bring with me to collect my race pack?

        ID, Driver’s License or Passport
        Your ChampionChip
        Confirmation of registration email
        Student Card or Letter from School (if applicable)
        If you are under 18, please bring the indemnity form that has been signed by your parent or guardian.

      • Can someone collect my race pack on my behalf if I am not able to?

        Yes, simply print and complete the Letter of Authorisation to enable someone to collect on your behalf. Don’t forget to ensure that the person collecting the race pack on your behalf must bring:

        ID, Driver’s License or Passport
        Your ChampionChip
        Confirmation of registration email
        Student Card or Letter from School (if applicable)
        They must also show their own ID, Driver’s License or Passport and registration confirmation email in order to collect the race pack

      • What if I miss the prescribed race pack collection times and don't manage to fetch my race pack, can I collect the race pack on race day?

        Race packs may be collected from 05h00 on race day

      • What happens if it rains?

        The race will continue in adverse weather conditions unless the safety officer deems it unsafe to continue. There are no refunds whatsoever.

      • How will the Race timing work?

        Race timing will be done via the UltimateLITE timing system. Runners are required to have their race number clearly visible when crossing the finish line.

      • Can I park anywhere?

        Parking will be provided at FNB Stadium. Please note that parking is at your own risk. The Soweto Marathon may not be held responsible for theft or damage to any vehicle and its contents

      • What time should I be at the start by?

        We recommend getting there as early as possible. Runners must be ready and in the start pens at least 15 minutes before their designated race start time

      • What happens if I am late for the start?

        If you are not in your designated starting pen by the time the gun goes off, you will not be able to run: 10km – 00h005km – 00h00

      • Will there be toilets at the start, on route and at the finish?

        Yes, toilets will be available

      • Will there be hydration stations?

        Yes, every 3 kilometers.

      • Can my family and friends come watch?

        Yes, they are welcome to come and watch you run. Spectators will also be able to track the race live using the UltimateLive timing App

      • Can my family and friends come watch?

        Yes, they are welcome to come and watch you run. Spectators will also be able to track the race live using the UltimateLive timing App

      • Does my Entrance Fee include a Race T-Shirt?

        No - however you may purchase a T-Shirt with your race entry at R200

      • Where can I find my Race results?

        Live race results will be available on race day via the ChampionChip Africa website

      • Will I get a medal?

        Yes, all participants who finish the race within the specified cut off times will receive a race medal.

      Can’t find question you are interested in?